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PC Media Beta Valhalla Download

valhalla splash PC Media Valhalla Beta

In a limited test of the latest generation PCMAV, with the previous pass and alpha2 phases of Alpha, Beta Valhalla Media PC is now officially released to the public tested.

New Features in PC Beta Media Valhalla

LinkProtector. It is one of the main features of the latest that can provide protection when users surf. LinkProtector feature is capable of intercepting a malicious website that has the potential to spread malware to phishing measures. With a collection of databases that can be updated, security on internet can be maintained.

Anti-Keystroke. One of the threats from malware that is popular today is the theft of data. Latest Features Anti-Keystroke will intercept in real-time recording keyboard keystrokes made by the majority of the many keylogger programs currently available.

Extension Manager. Some extensions are contained in Valhalla Beta can be used as an aid in analyzing the system programs such as Task Manager, Process Monitor, and Locked Viewer handles. Looking forward, the SDK Extension Manager will be published so that third parties can also get involved in making an additional extension, but safety is maintained.

Lock Settings. Password protection against user-defined configuration for the general setting / configuration Valhalla can not be changed or forced to exit, especially by malware.

CAUTION: PC Beta Media Valhalla is a prototype (prototype) for the next generation version of PCMAV, which is currently being intensively developed by a team of PC Media antivirus. Valhalla Beta is available * ONLY * for the purposes of public trials alone. Unless you're an advanced user (user experience) in computing, please * AVOID * Valhalla Beta Media PC usage on the system / computer used for work everyday.

This release does not describe the end result PCMAV. Some features are currently in closed testing and will possibly change before the final release is launched. These features are very possible not to run perfectly and could have contained a bug that caused the system does not run normally.

Downl0ad: hxxp: / / www.sendspace.com/file/68bj8z

Passw0rd: Valhalla

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